Forncett History Notes

Since early 2020, Forncett History Group has published regular short articles in the village magazine, the Forncett Flyer. These articles have now been collected here on our new blog - Forncett History Notes. This blog offers the opportunity for these articles, and other news from the Group, to be read more widely and also provides a forum for us to publish short articles which don't fit easily elsewhere within the structure of the website. Please share this new page with anyone who you feel might be interested. If you would like to be added to our email distribution list please Contact Us and then you will receive an alert when any new article appears.


In 1903, the daughter of William Grieve Wilson, a former rector of Forncett St Peter, wrote that the residents of Forncett "looked upon dwellers in the next county as aliens and foreigners". So, it's not hard to imagine what they might have made of a young American woman from a wealthy family in Connecticut, who visited the village...

To celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee an afternoon Community Event was held at Forncett Village Hall on Saturday 4th June and many of the local groups had stands to promote their activities.

As we look forward to celebrating Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee next month, it's interesting to look back at how previous Jubilees have been celebrated in the village. Queen Victoria celebrated her Diamond Jubilee on 22 June 1897 and the people of Forncett St Mary celebrated the event in style, as reported in the Norfolk News.

Forncett History Group started its 2022 programme with a meeting at St. Edmund's on Wednesday 16th March. The major item on the programme was a very interesting and informative talk by Philip Yull about the history of his house, Harley House on Long Stratton Road, which was built one hundred years ago this year.

Those Forncett residents who are regular attenders at the summer fete will be familiar with contests to "guess the weight" of something, such as a cake or a jar of sweets. However, back in 1910 local residents were set a more demanding challenge!

A fascinating story concerning local history occurred some time back, when I was able to view a so called "copy book". The manner in which this parchment-bound volume found its way into my hands is related in detail in The Forncett Flyer of June 2006 Vol IV No 6.

As Christmas approaches, some residents of Forncett will undoubtedly be looking back to the terrible floods last Christmas Eve and hoping that we will not see similar weather conditions again this year. Of course, the topic of flooding in the Tas valley is not new, indeed it has been a topic of concern for well over a century, as evidenced...